The Let's Play Archive

Railroad Ink

by That Italian Guy

Part 2: Intermission: City Hall comms leaked!

A reminder from City Hall
This is a reminder that, depending on your timezone, Monday may be the last day to submit your drawings to City Hall!
Best Regards,
Carl the Temp.


City hall comms leaked!
Almost all the submissions have reached City Hall already! However, it looks like our IT infrastructure is as in need of improvements as its physical one - today, this highly classified E-mail was leaked on the internet by certain nefarious individuals:

City Hall posted:

Hello and welcome to $city_name!

As our new City Planner, you are the lucky recipient of this veritable treasure trove of junk digital assets from City Hall!
  • Not just one, but two different official bluprint sheets for you to create the best infrastructure ever:

  • You don't like the color scheme? Then neither do we! Feel free to alter it however your creative spirit compels you. Or, if you don't know how, just contact City Hall with the specifications you require, and we will provide new blueprint sheets in the color of your preference (1).
  • At City Hall, we believe our city planners should be free to express themselves in whichever way they prefer (2)! You can use a graphic editor of your choice, a Tabletop Simulator mod (3)(4) or even the newfangled Photography system if you happen to own a copy the official Railroad Ink business tool. Whatever you choose please make sure the Routes can be easily identified and don't forget to mark down the Round number in the appropriate small empty box inside the space.
  • Please remember to include the Town Motto in your first reply (5).
  • These are the official Routes provided by City Hall for the 1st week of public works:

  • Remember that you can freely rotate and/or reverse them as you see fit (6).
  • Also remember the Special Routes that have been graciously made available to us by REDACTED (7)(8).
  • You have 1 week to return a compiled work in progress city plan to City Hall.
  • You can always contact City Hall if you have queries! (9)

Here at City Hall we have full trust in your competence and we are looking forward to see your masterpiece (10).

(1) The color of your preference may be subjected to extensive taxation.
(2) City plans submitted through Interpretative dance are NO LONGER accepted.
(3) A Tabletop Simulator key is not included in this digital asset package.
(4) Please refer to City Hall memo #114/19 regarding unapproved usages of the Steam ludic platform during business hours.
(5) If this Town doesn't have a motto, instead: congratulations, you just passed the 1st test.
(6) Euclidean geometry only.
(7) A reminder that you are contractually obliged NOT to enquire about the origin of said routes.
(8) Also, a reminder that you are contractually obliged not to listen to anything Carl has to say.
(9) Response time may vary based on your title and qualifications.
(10) See point #8.